WebBeds announce partnership with Luxair and LuxairTours.

WebBeds has signed an agreement with Luxembourg-based LuxairTours, the tour operator division of Luxair, the country’s national airline, providing the operator with access to a selection of its 31,000+ directly contracted hotels in the 92 destinations served by…

WebBeds Launch Parity Monitor for Hotels.

WebBeds launch online tool for hotels at ITB to improve rate parity. WebBeds, the global marketplace providing accommodation and ground product distribution services to the travel industry, has launched the first phase of a programme which aspires to…

Travel Aggregator Magazine – March 2023 Edition Out Now

WebBeds Asia Pacific’s digital travel magazine “Travel Aggregator” March 2023 edition out now.   Titled “Travel Aggregator”, this eye-catching e-magazine is produced in-house by WebBeds Asia Pacific’s team of travel experts, especially for our travel trade partners and…

WebBeds promotes Lola Diaz to SVP Sales for Europe.

WebBeds, the global marketplace providing accommodation and ground product distribution services to the travel industry, announces the promotion of Lola Diaz to the position of WebBeds’ SVP Sales for Europe. WebBeds has bolstered its European leadership team by…

WebBeds IMPACT Summit – Thailand

WebBeds teams up with TAT to stage inaugural IMPACT Summit in Bangkok. Close to a thousand hoteliers and global partners attended this event to learn about Thailand’s latest tourism strategies and hear expert insights from WebBeds’ commercial presidents…

WebBeds appoints Stephanie Rogers as SVP Sourcing for Europe.

WebBeds, the global marketplace providing accommodation and ground product distribution services to the travel industry, announces the appointment of Stephanie Rogers to the position of WebBeds’ SVP Sourcing for Europe. WebBeds has made a senior-level appointment to its…