Party time in London and Palma

Our European team celebrated the glorious weather with two great parties for our teams in London and Palma. You can see some of the London team getting into the swing of things!…

WebBeds appoints Paul Hewer as Regional Director of Sales for the UK and Ireland

WebBeds, the world’s second largest B2B accommodation provider (comprising the JacTravel, Sunhotels, Lots of Hotels, totalstay and FITRuums brands) has appointed Paul Hewer as Regional Director of Sales for the UK and Ireland. Paul has almost 15 years’…

WebBeds announces Karen Robertson as Managing Director of award-winning JacTravel DMC Division

WebBeds, the world’s second largest B2B accommodation provider (comprising the JacTravel, Sunhotels, Lots of Hotels, totalstay and FITRuums brands) has appointed Karen Robertson as Managing Director of JacTravel’s DMC Division in Europe. Karen has been part of the…

Bigger and Better: New office space for the London teams

In June we officially opened our enlarged and refurbished FIT office space in Kentish Town along with a new dedicated facility in Hammersmith for our DMC Division. It was yet another considerable and positive step forward in integrating…

Fantastic new office space in Jakarta

Our Jakarta team recently moved into great new offices at HDI HIVE Menteng. You can see the team about to enjoy some delicious Nasi Tumpeng with a feast to celebrate social unity and also as a blessing for…

WebBeds exhibits at the Arabian Travel Market

We made another significant step forward in our company’s transformation last month by bringing together the Lots of Hotels and JacTravel brands under one, combined WebBeds stand right in the heart of the prestigious Arabian Travel Market trade…